Crafting Fundamentals in Path of Exile: A Comprehensive Introduction

Embarking on your crafting journey in Path of Exile (PoE) can be both exhilarating and complex. This guide, paired with detailed videos, aims to transform beginners into experts capable of crafting mirror-tier items. Let’s delve into the essentials of PoE crafting.

Understanding Item Anatomy

Key to mastering PoE crafting is comprehending the structure of items:

  1. Item Modifiers: Three primary modifiers exist:
  • Enchants: Discussed in detail later.
  • Implicits: Fixed modifiers that can only be altered using specific Eldritch Currency under certain conditions.
  • Explicits: These are the prefixes and suffixes we’ll focus on, modified based on item rarity.
  1. Item Rarities: Items in PoE come in four rarities, each with unique crafting rules.
  • Normal (White): Basic items with base stats and occasional implicits.
  • Magic (Blue): Can have up to one prefix and one suffix.
  • Rare (Yellow): Allows up to three prefixes and three suffixes.
  • Unique (Orange): These have set modifiers, alterable only by Divine Orbs (for numerical values) and Blessed Orbs (for implicit values).

Influence Types: Enhancing Your Crafting

Influence types add a layer of complexity and potential to items:

  • Conqueror Influences: Dropped by map bosses, these items can have specific modifiers related to the influencing boss type.
  • Synthesized Items: These either have special synthesized implicits or are fractured items with locked modifiers.
  • Eldritch Influences (Eater and Exarch): A newer addition allowing changes to an item’s implicits using Eldritch Currency.

Base Item Restrictions and Implications

The required stats for equipping an item offer more than just usage prerequisites:

  • Stat Requirements and Modifiers: An item’s required stat (Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity) indicates its potential modifiers (Armour, Energy Shield, Evasion).
  • Base Type Identification: Determining an item’s base type involves assessing both its stat requirements and its name.
  • Modifier Limitations: Certain modifiers can only appear on items with specific base types.

Capitalizing on PoE Currency in Crafting

A crucial aspect of crafting is understanding and utilizing PoE currency effectively:

  • Modify items strategically to enhance their value.
  • Use PoE trade platforms to exchange crafted items for currency, optimizing your crafting investment.

Next Steps: Advanced Crafting Techniques

As you progress through this guide, we’ll delve deeper into advanced crafting methods, including:

  • Leveraging different item influences for optimal results.
  • Exploring complex crafting strategies to create high-tier items.
  • Utilizing PoE currency in sophisticated crafting scenarios.

Stay tuned for our upcoming segments, where we’ll expand your crafting prowess, guiding you towards creating those coveted mirror-tier items in Path of Exile.

Types of Implicits

Implicits are innate modifiers on items, and they come in various forms:

  • Base Implicits: These are standard on items, like Life on a Leather Belt or Global Physical Damage on a Rustic Sash.
  • Synthesized Implicits: Special implicits obtained from items dropped in specific encounters, typically offering unique enhancements.
  • Eldritch Implicits: These are applied using Eldritch Currency, obtainable from Eater and Exarch influenced mobs and bosses.

Enchants and Their Application

Enchants provide additional bonuses to gear:

  • Lab Enchants: Helmets, Gloves, Boots, and Belts can receive enchants from completing the Labyrinth.
  • Anointing System: Rings and Amulets can be enchanted by using Oils obtained from Blight encounters.

Influenced Modifiers

Influenced modifiers are crucial for crafting high-end gear:

  • Certain influences like Shaper, Elder, Hunter, Crusader, Redeemer, and Warlord can be combined using an Awakener’s Orb.
  • These Conqueror influences can’t be mixed with Synthesized or Eater and Exarch influences.
  • Eater and Exarch influences can be combined, offering the chance to craft items with new and desirable implicits.

Item Level (iLvl) Restrictions

The iLvl of an item dictates what modifiers it can roll:

  • Modifiers have a minimum iLvl requirement. Higher-tier modifiers often require a higher iLvl.
  • This can be used strategically: if you want to avoid certain modifiers, using a lower iLvl item can exclude those from the potential mod pool.
  • This strategy is especially useful when rolling certain Cluster Jewels.

Benchcrafting Basics

Benchcrafting involves adding specific mods to items at the Crafting Bench:

  • For socketing and linking, it’s generally more cost-effective to use the relevant currency if the item is at least 20% quality.
  • Increasing the quality above 20% further enhances the chances of successfully socketing or linking the item.

Fractured Modifiers and Crafting Essentials 

Path of Exile’s crafting system is intricate, involving various modifiers and techniques. Here, we explore key aspects like Fractured Modifiers, Local vs. Global Modifiers, and crafting on Corrupted Items, among others.

Fractured Modifiers: A Unique Crafting Aspect

Fractured modifiers are unique in that they remain unchanged regardless of the crafting currency used. They’re identified by their distinct grayish-brown color. This feature is particularly useful when combining a non-essence modifier with an essence. By having the non-essence modifier fractured, you can apply essences repeatedly until you achieve the desired outcome.

Local vs. Global Modifiers

Modifiers in Path of Exile can be categorized into Local and Global:

  • Local Modifiers: These affect only the specific item they’re on. Examples include increased attack speed on weapons or increased evasion on armor.
  • Global Modifiers: These impact your entire character. Examples are bonuses to maximum life or resistance increases on any item.

Delve and Incursion Modifiers: Handle with Care

Items with Delve or Incursion modifiers are unique. If you have such an item and wish to preserve the modifier, avoid any crafting actions that might remove it. Once lost, these modifiers cannot be reinstated, and you’ll need to source a new item with the desired modifier for crafting.

Crafting on Corrupted Items: Limited Options

Crafting on corrupted items is generally not possible. The exceptions are specific Tainted Currencies and bench crafts affecting only the color or number of sockets. However, these bench crafts require an equal number of Vaal Orbs, making them quite costly.

Essences and Fossils: Advanced Crafting Tools

Both essences and fossils represent more complex crafting methods in Path of Exile. Due to their depth, separate, detailed guides are dedicated to each, helping you master their use for optimal crafting outcomes.

Final Thoughts

This guide provides a foundation for your crafting adventures in Path of Exile. As you delve deeper into the game, look forward to more advanced guides, including those on Divine Orb drops and other intricate crafting techniques. Happy crafting, and may your loot be ever fruitful!


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