Does Laravel Have a Future in 2023?

Almost half of the Internet websites are based on the PHP programming language, so it’s not even surprising that Laravel takes up a huge part of this market. For those who don’t know, Laravel is a PHP framework that shortens the development time and offers efficient, scalable solutions to businesses.

This well-known framework grows and gets better every year. It uses the Model-View-Architecture model, which means you can efficiently create scalable web solutions. The final goal is to reach out to the clients and ensure they will use your solutions.

Without a doubt, Laravel was one of the hottest IT topics in 2022. It was one of the most searched professional profiles online, and many talent networks are focused on looking for Laravel developers for hire.

Why Do Users Love Laravel?

As the trends showed, in 2022, Laravel was the choice of many web development companies. If you look closely, you will find many companies looking to hire Laravel developer, sometimes more than one.

In fact, many of us are still unaware of what Laravel can do and how much it makes developers’ work more accessible.

It also means that this framework has a bright future because:

The Platform is Constantly Growing

Laravel never stops evolving and trending. In fact, for over a year, Laravel has been one of the most searched terms on Google. Technologies are constantly monitored, but updates are released to improve the framework’s functionality.

The same thing happens with jobs. If you look at job postings in the IT sector, you will realize that Laravel is in high demand.

Highly Secure Framework

If there’s one thing that’s really appreciated about frameworks, they offer a high level of security. It also means that you can organize the code according to the criteria you want and be able to reuse it whenever the need arises.

MVC Architecture is the Best

The Model-View-Controller architecture of Laravel improves documentation, reduces the time of developing web solutions, and offers many valuable features for the framework’s efficiency.

As a result, you get simple but attractive solutions that are intended to improve the experience of the users themselves. The users of the websites are the ones for whom the optimized user experience is intended.

It’s Not Complicated to Learn Laravel

Fortunately, there are many online resources, courses, and mentoring programs available for Laravel. Of course, learning PHP first and then focusing on the framework is best.

You really need to know the basics first, so you can get into more complicated concepts, for example, how Laravel authentication works or how to implement specific modules for easier to turn on invert colors  

Well-Designed Web Applications

One of the reasons why Laravel is successful is that all solutions are scalable, easy to use, and of course, will not cost a lot of money and will offer the necessary efficiency.

The need for just such applications is constantly growing. That is why we expect the trend to continue.

Clear and Precise Instructions

The whole concept of frameworks is to be clear and precise for those who use them. They are simplified versions of the programming language, thus shortening the development time of a specific program or application.

With this, you will no longer have very long periods of development of an application, nor will you be bored. On the contrary, Laracast is constantly updated with new tutorials, making you an even better Laravel developer.

What’s in Laravel’s future?

We already know that Laravel offers wonderful options to both ease the work of developers, but also to strengthen businesses and improve user experience. We have already discussed these benefits before. However, we must emphasize that they will remain in the future, and hopefully, they will be even better.

Some of the well-known benefits are CSRF protection, i.e., cross-site request forgery, which scans and filters all requests received by your application. In this way, inauthentic requests and possible disruptions to the operation of your web solution are prevented.

What Other Improvements Can We Expect From Laravel?

Authentication will get better and better. Each username and password will be verified, no matter if it’s an existing user or a new one.

Also, Laravel has strong cookie protection, and you must activate the encryption key.

We have to admit that the future of Laravel is really bright and that the trends will continue in 2023 and beyond.

According to experts, security will rise to an even higher level and will be a priority whenever web applications are created. There will also be an improvement in libraries, supporting even greater data exchange. And what we like the most is the option to support sophisticated solutions for small businesses and startups that need them. This will help the business develop and scale faster, but also better manage internal issues.

Experts’ Predictions

You will find many interesting guesses if you search the Laravel trends for 2023. We have discovered several predictions that say they will combine Laravel solutions with React to offer a premium user interface.

Laravel and other PHP frameworks will probably use some standard components. That will improve the developer’s productivity for sure. The introduction of complete PHP 7 support is also expected.

Changes will occur in all IT companies that want to remain competitive in the market. Developers will continue to train and become even better at what they do. In fact, we conclude again that the future of Laravel is more secure than ever, including the benefits that are yet to appear and integrate.


If we can conclude anything, web app development will remain an attractive IT branch in the years to come. The demand for innovative solutions will rise, so the new businesses can scale their overall performance and seal their place in the market. Of course, end users always remain in focus at every stage of project development.

As a result, Laravel will continue to be one of the most optimal solutions and a highly demanded profession in IT companies. Therefore, if you already know PHP and are thinking about which direction to develop your career, Laravel could be precisely the solution you have always needed.

The employment opportunities are huge, and you’ll know that you’ll always be involved in building optimized solutions that advance your clients’ businesses.