Optimize Your Facebook Page for More Likes

Facebook is one of the best places to promote your business as it hosts close to 2.9 billion active users monthly. However, a lot of businesses do not understand how to utilize Facebook wisely for promoting their products. You need to do a lot of groundwork for building your page reputation on the social site. It takes a lot of time and patience to build a solid page on the platform. You need a solid strategy to lay down the foundation for building a strong product page.

In this article, we will be discussing how you can get more Facebook page likes. We will be discussing one method in particular, i.e., optimizing your Facebook page. All the listed tips and tricks will be discussed in detail to help you properly understand the process. And rest assured that these tips will act as a long-term guide for you. But first, let us understand why you need to optimize your Facebook page.

Why is There a Need for Page Optimization?

You might be making a lot of effort but might get frustrated when you get no results. The efforts need to be converted into likes and sales for you to be successful. This is where page optimization comes into play. Optimizing your page in simple words is to set up your page in such a way that it seems attractive to the target audience. Your Facebook business page must contain all relevant and required information about the products and services that your brand offers.

How to Optimize Your Facebook Page to Get More Likes?

  1. Work on your page

The number one step for optimizing your Facebook page is to focus on the details on your page. Check your profile picture and cover photo. Your profile picture is the one that will be shared every time you share an update. Your profile picture must be at least 180*180 pixels and should be visible. Your profile picture can include your company’s logo and a color palette representing your brand. Your cover photo can showcase new announcements or something suiting your brand’s personality.

  1. Choose a username and add a description

Do you know that users prefer pages whose usernames are easy to remember and search? Choose a username that is easy to relate to your page and is easier for people to remember. A good username makes a page rank higher in the search results.

The page description field allows up to 255 characters. Use all the characters and describe your company and its work eloquently. You can also use optimization tools to get the most relevant context for your description box.

  1. Incorporate your website address

Linking your website to your Facebook page is another good way to get more likes on your Facebook page. This will help your customers reach your website easily and you will see an increase in sales. And do not forget to add a link to your page on your website. As it will drive customers from your website to your Facebook page.

  1. Fill other details

Do not forget to mention your business contact details which should include your phone number and your official email ID. Add a list of offered products and fill in the additional description box. You can describe the processes and services of your business along with a FAQ section.

  1. Focus on reviews

Let us be honest, we all check reviews before investing in a product no matter how small or big the purchase is. Everyone likes to take a look at ratings to understand how popular a product is. Facebook is the best place to publicize your product with the help of positive reviews from your customers. To enable reviews, just go to “Settings” and click on the “Edit” tab next to “Review”. This will allow people who are visiting your page to leave a review on your page.

  1. Updating and engagement tactics

A Facebook page with no new updates is like a graveyard for your product promotion. Also, if you do not engage with your audience, you will not see an increase in likes on your page. To engage with your audience, you can post curated content and include videos. Also, stream live events from your page. Engage with your followers in discussions by asking relevant questions. Sharing behind-the-scenes photos and videos also helps in increasing likes and audience engagement.

  1. Always keep an eye on your competitors’ strategy

It’s good that you are working on your strategy to optimize your page. But forgetting your competitors entirely will be a blunder. Getting insights into your competitors’ Facebook strategy can help you gain a better understanding of your customers. Using certain tools can help you understand how your competitors are faring in the social media world. These tools also provide an insight into which keywords are working for your competitors’ page and you can use those for your benefit as well.

  1. Always use the CTA approach

Call-to-action is located below the cover photo on your Facebook page. You can customize the CTA button for below options:

  1. a) Booking services
  2. b) Contact
  3. c) Learn more about the page or product
  4. d) Donate to or purchase from the page

Make sure to connect each CTA with an appropriate landing page. Keep an eye on how a CTA is performing and if it is not performing according to your expectations, change it immediately with some other CTA.

  1. Use tabs on your page

Customizing tabs on your Facebook page can help you decide what content you want to show on your page. You can choose to highlight offers that you are currently showcasing, a list of your products and services and you can even show events or photos and videos.

To conclude, optimizing your Facebook page is a great way to gain more likes and increase your page ranking on the platform. Using the steps mentioned above, you will surely succeed in your endeavors to gain more likes. Go ahead and start optimizing your Facebook business page.