Killing weeds without also killing your grass is a challenging goal to achieve. Unfortunately, if you have not done your research, you may assume that any weed killer will. By going this route, you will likely end up with your weeds taken care of, but your grass ruined.
To avoid this, research various weed killers and weed control products. This way, you’ll find a product that won’t ruin your grass and is best for the weeds that you’re dealing with. If you didn’t know, different kinds of weeds call for specific weed-killing agents.
Below, you’ll find information on the best way to kill weeds without killing your grass, including how to avoid weeds in the first place. Ultimately, everything you need to know to keep your weeds under control boils down to a few fundamental rules. Here’s how to kill weeds in lawn and obtain a happy and healthy lawn.
Which weed-killer product is best?
There are two styles of products that can kill weeds in your lawn: liquid and granular. The purpose of weed killer is to give yourself enough time to establish a healthy lawn. If you kill your grass in the process, you’ve rid yourself of the opportunity to restore your lawn. So, avoid liquid weed killers. While you will knock out your weeds quickly, your grass will also take a hit.
Given that the goal is to attack weeds but not grass, you want to use as little as you can of granular products to reduce the risk of plant damage. The best weed killers to choose from are granular, as they are less likely to destroy your grass while still killing off your weeds. Compared to liquid alternatives, granular products are typically safer on grass. Additionally, variants of granular products often contain pre-emergents, which can help to prevent weeds from returning.
Use products that are meant for optimal plant conditions.
Beyond the basics of protecting your lawn, you must also factor in the plant conditions that influence which weed killers will be most effective to kill weeds in lawn. Weeds, like all plants, have favorable and unfavorable conditions. You can understand the product options by noting whether you have warm or cool-season weeds.
Herbicides created explicitly for each weed type are available to help kill off weeds successfully without harming your grass. Notice if your weeds thrive in warmer weather or improve in cooler conditions. Determine if they germinate in the warmer months or if they sprout when the weather gets colder. Look for herbicides created for the kind of turf you have that will kill weeds in lawn.
Having a luscious, healthy lawn is possible.
Once you successfully kill weeds in lawn, it’s time to start prioritizing the care and keeping of your yard. You can even avoid seasonal weeds to begin with by properly caring for your lawn regularly. Following a weed treatment, apply non-toxic fertilizers, soil moisture managers, and biostimulants to help your grass grow into a luscious healthy lawn.