Tell me about one person who doesn’t like the quintessential stunts that you see in movies? Don’t you look at them in awe and think to yourself, ‘I wish I was there? Isn’t it? But not all of us have the courage to manage the risk of showing stunts or even becoming a skyscraper! And when we talk about the skyscraper, another name that comes forth is Wu Yongning funeral.
Do you know who Wu Yongning is? Why are we talking about this youngster’s funeral? Well, if you are eager to know, let’s dive in and find out everything you have to know!
Who is Wu Yongning?
Born in the year 1991, and in Changsha, a famous part of China. We are yet to know more about his sibling details and parents. However, if we do get any information in this regard, we will definitely update the section!
Wu has completed his graduation from a US university. However, he has always been extremely quiet about his personal life, so we haven’t heard much about Yongning.
Most people refer to Wu Yongning as Daredevil Wu Yongning for the extraordinary stunts he used to perform. Wu used to climb buildings and even jump from one to another. The stunts that he would show, went viral on social media, and people wanted to know more about this daring personality.
But with a deep heart, we would have to say that Wu Yongning is no more. He fell off while he was at his profession from a 62 storied building on November 8, 2017! Initially, people thought this to be a part of the stunt! But is it true? Let’s find out in our next segment!
Career Details of Wu Yonging
Wu Yonging had a keen interest in climbing buildings, and that was something he attained and knew he loved from a young age. While he was young, he would go up to the top of his own house and many other buildings in society.
And since he knew that the love for climbing buildings would remain in him forever, he continued during that as his profession. Later on, he would go on to high building tops and click selfies. And this became a sensation all over the internet.
People became enthusiastic about the zeal that Wu had and wanted more from him – so much so Wu was considered as the first China man who actually performed in this manner.
How Did Wu Yonging Die?
It’s extremely saddening that this man has passed away. And this happened when he was engrossed in his profession. Wu, just like all the other days, climbed on the Huayuan International Centre, which is in Changsha, and was clicked selfies. But suddenly, he fell off the building and died. But people thought it was a part of his stunts and did not believe him. However, it was later confirmed by his parents that he actually died.
Even the police confirmed this news, and this indeed left his fans saddened.
Why Do People Want to Know About Wu Yongning Funeral?
From what has been seen, Wu is famous for going up on several skyscraper buildings and clicking selfies. Moreover, he would climb the buildings too! And this is what his fans love to watch! Wu has not only been famous and one of the most talked-about personalities in China but also all over the world.
People who love to watch such videos and eagerly wait for people who have the courage to go and perform at such heights show a keen interest in such personalities. And among them, Wu Yonging has been such a personality. (
But his death has indeed left a huge impact on the world, and people want to know more about Wu Yongning funeral. However, since the family has been extremely private, they haven’t spoken much about the funeral either.
Apart from his family disclosing the news of death, we have no information in this regard.
Did Wu Yonging Have a Wife?
With his demise, the query about his family also comes up. So, people are eager to know about Wu Yonging’s wife and children. To all the fans, Wu did not marry but did have a girlfriend, and her name is JinJin. Even though we don’t know whether they intended to marry or not but we can say that Wu and JinJin were deeply in love with each other.
Moreover, when JinJin was asked about Wu after he passed away, the lady was in tears. And she also disclosed the fact that the world was not told yet.
Wu was thinking of working on the film with the extremely dangerous stunts that he used to perform. However, under which director and all the other details are yet to be disclosed to the world.
Wu Yonging Net Worth
With such a lot of craze comes along a lot of money. And there is no way that Wu Yonging cannot be counted among the people who have left some fortune for his family.
Even though we are sure whether or not he got some money for signing the film contract, all we can confirm is Wu Yonging net worth is about $5 million. Some websites have also said that his net worth is $1 million, but we have no confirmed news in this regard.
But we can conclude that this man would have surely attained a lot of money if he had been alive and would work in the film that he signed.
Final Thoughts
As they say, the good and talented people tend to leave the world a little too soon. The courage and determination Wu had from childhood are remarkable, and there is no way we cannot admire this. But on a sad note, we end our blog today. And send our best wishes to Wu’s family, hoping they recover from the loss soon and get back to normal life.